Thursday, 26 August at 7:00pm

Current Y10, 11, and 12 students and whanau invited to attend.

NCEA Information Evening

NCEA Information Evening - News & Events - News - Kaipara College

We invite parents and caregivers to attend an NCEA information evening on Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 7:00pm.

Principal, Cindy Sullivan will welcome everyone, then students and their families will move into year level groups to be provided with information relevant to their NCEA stage.  Topics will include:

What is NCEA?

How does Kaipara College support our students through NCEA?

How can you support your student through NCEA?

What are the qualification requirements for pathways beyond school?

 There will be opportunity for families to ask questions and our Careers staff will be on hand to assist with advice well.  The evening will conclude with a light supper.

 We look forward to seeing you.


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